Coping With Pancreatic Cancer

Living Well After Diagnosis

It's normal to have trouble coping with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Trying to understand the disease, your treatment options, the financial aspects, and the changes it forces on your life can leave you confused and not sure where to even start.

As difficult as it all is to handle, you can find ways to cope with everything you're now facing because of your illness.

Types of Pancreatic Cancer

Verywell / Alexandra Gordon

Emotional Coping

People have all kinds of different emotional reactions to having pancreatic cancer. Fear, anger, denial, confusion, depression, anxiety, grief, and even guilt are common. You may experience any or all of these and any of a host of other feelings. While they're normal, they can also be overwhelming.

The poor prognosis for pancreatic cancer is certain to heighten the stress of the diagnosis. Don't hesitate to seek help dealing with it. It can help to talk to your healthcare provider and others on your healthcare team, your family, or other people who've dealt with the disease personally or through a loved one.

Online Support Groups

Online support groups can be a valuable resource. You don't have to leave your house, so it won't be a strain on you if your symptoms or treatments are taking a toll. Support groups typically provide you with people to talk to who've gone through or are currently going through what you're experiencing. That can be a huge help when you're fighting to make sense of everything.

However, online support groups tend to lack professional viewpoints and guidance. For that reason, you should always seek medical advice from your healthcare provider or other healthcare providers. Your healthcare provider can help you decide whether you should see a mental health professional and help you find a good one. Your medical team is also a good source of referrals to support groups in your area.

The important thing is that you reach out when you have trouble dealing with your emotions. You're not alone—there are people and resources available to help you as you go through this.

Coping With Pain

If you haven't dealt with chronic pain before, you may be taken aback by how much of an impact cancer pain has on you. It can lead to mood changes, problems sleeping (which increases your fatigue), and difficulty concentrating. When you can't get pain relief, it can even lead to desperation and panic.

You might be trying to get by without taking a lot of painkillers. They're often viewed negatively because of their side effects and potential for addiction. On top of that, overdose is a real risk when you're dealing with severe pain.

Know that it's easier if you take meds before the pain gets beyond your endurance level.

Often, over-the-counter (OTC) medications can be helpful, but they aren't perfectly safe. For instance:

  • Too much acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol and a host of other OTC products, can lead to potentially fatal liver toxicity.
  • Anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen (Aleve, Motrin, etc.) and naproxen (Aleve) can also be hard on your stomach, kidneys, or liver.
  • Sometimes, your healthcare provider may not want you to take certain medications that can mask a fever or other warning signs.

Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about any concerns you may have about pain medications—they can be safe if used carefully.

Pancreatic Cancer Healthcare Provider Discussion Guide

Get our printable guide for your next healthcare provider's appointment to help you ask the right questions.

Doctor Discussion Guide Woman

Coping With Fatigue

Cancer fatigue is hard to deal with. Anyone who lives with it knows there's a big difference between being kind of sleepy and the all-out, zero-energy fatigue that can come with the disease.

Before you up your caffeine intake or turn to supplements or other methods of combatting fatigue, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider. Also, ask about any supplements or herbal treatments you're considering—some of them may interact negatively with your other treatments.

Considerations that can improve your quality of life:

  • It's a good idea to set aside time every day to rest or nap and to make sure you have extra time to rest and recuperate after a big event.
  • You may also need to redefine "big event," as it could now include something as simple as a trip to the grocery store.
  • Also, don't hesitate to use assistance when available (for example, grocery stores may offer motorized cars). Some people feel awkward about using them if they're able to walk or don't have a visible disability, but they're there for anyone who needs them. It's better to use them than to be wiped out afterward because you didn't.
  • Generally, however, you should try to stay as active as you can. You'll need to find a balance between doing too much and doing too little and that's a unique point only you can determine.

A 2014 case study suggested that exercise may help people with pancreatic cancer sleep better, manage fatigue, and reduce psychological distress.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to managing cancer fatigue. It can help to employ a variety of strategies.

Coping With Dietary Issues

It may be harder to watch your diet when you're dealing with treatments, symptoms, and the emotional impacts of your cancer, but it's important.

Maintaining proper nutrition involves getting enough calories, vitamins, minerals, and hydration.

If you have diabetes, taking care of your blood sugar is vital. Fluctuating blood sugar levels can worsen fatigue and mood. Be sure to follow the diet your healthcare provider recommends and check your blood sugar as directed if needed.

If the dietary issues are too much for you to deal with, you may want to have a family member or caregiver manage them for you. It might help to see a dietitian, as well.

You may find that, since your diagnosis, everyone around you seems to think they're an expert on what you should or shouldn't eat. Don't go for fad diets just because some TV healthcare provider or blogger said it cures cancer—if that were true, your healthcare provider would've told you about it.

If you're researching dietary issues or other treatments online, even if they sound legitimate, be sure to run them by your healthcare provider before you try them. There's a lot of bad advice out there couched in language that makes it sound science-based when it really isn't.

Coping With Side Effects

Every drug you take comes with potential side effects. That includes cancer drugs as well as drugs you may be prescribed for helping with side effects of chemotherapy or radiation.

It's a good idea to keep lists of potential side effects—especially any that can be dangerous—where it's easy to refer to. Make sure your family and/or caregiver(s) are familiar with them as well.

Keep the lines of communication open with your healthcare team so they can help you identify and manage any unpleasant side effects you may have.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy, radiation, and other drugs all come with possible side effects that you may have to cope with.

Common chemotherapy side effects include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing, excessive coughing
  • Rashes, dry skin, or hand-foot syndrome
  • Muscle and nerve problems (peripheral neuropathy)
  • Anemia
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Mouth sores, pain in the mouth and throat
  • Kidney and bladder irritation
  • Taste changes

Not everyone will experience every side effect. Your healthcare provider may be able to offer treatments to manage some of the ones you have, so speak up about them. You may also want to consider well-researched, safe natural remedies.

Radiation Side Effects

Radiation has some of the same side effects as chemotherapy, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Skin problems (although the specific problems are different) 

You may also experience:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fertility problems
  • Other problems specific to the treatment areas

Talk to your healthcare provider about treatments for these side effects and whether natural remedies may help you.

Social Coping

You're likely to experience a lot of social changes due to your illness and treatments, and these can be emotionally difficult. Both the symptoms of and treatments for cancer may make you unable to work or participate in the things you enjoy. This can leave you socially isolated on top of impacting your idea of who you are.

Additionally, a lot of people don't know how to deal with serious illness and may treat you differently.

Your role at home is likely to change, as well, which can be stressful to your family. If it's creating a lot of stress and problems, you may want to consider family counseling.

Speak Openly

No matter the relationship, try to have honest conversations about your feelings. Understand that your diagnosis has a big impact on the people around you and that they may be feeling fear, anger, or a range of other emotions. Don't take their reaction personally—it's directed at the disease, not at you.

Find a Support System

It's important to establish a support system. That can include family, friends, your healthcare team, and support groups both online and in your community.

Often, people in your life want to help but don't know how. Reach out when you need something and be specific. Do you need someone to go to the grocery store for you? Help with laundry? Drive you to a medical appointment? Let people know.

It can be hard to ask for help and you might feel guilty, but keep in mind that the people who care about you may feel helpless in the face of what you're going through as well, and they could be grateful for the opportunity to do something.

If you're eventually able to return to work and resume your former role in the household, don't expect things to go back to how they used to be. You've changed, and your relationships have changed. Give yourself time to figure out what your life is going to look like now.

Practical Matters

You've likely got a lot of practical considerations to deal with. It can be hard to make yourself address them, but it's necessary. Putting them behind you, or getting the ball rolling, can help relieve stress and make you feel more grounded and in control.

Medical Bills

Chief among your concerns may be medical bills and insurance. You or someone close to you should talk to your insurance company to make sure you understand what will and won't be covered. You may be eligible for government programs as well. A social worker should be able to help walk you through any options that may be available.

Continuing to Work

At work, you have a right to reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Work with your supervisor or someone in human resources to see what might make you able to work more comfortably.

If you're not able to work, look into disability insurance through your employer and consider medical leave instead of quitting so your benefits will continue. If you can't keep your job or aren't working, you may want to consider filing for Social Security disability.

Future Planning

You may also want to do things like write up a will and an advance directive. Look into hospice to see what it offers before you need it. Get things in order as much as you can so you don't stress.

Also, you might want to consider home health care, where a trained medical professional comes in to assist you and your caregiver(s).

Times may be difficult. Be sure to communicate your needs to those around you and take advantage of the resources that are there to help. You don't have to go through this alone.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I reduce my risk of pancreatic cancer if I have diabetes?

    If you’ve already been diagnosed with diabetes, making lifestyle changes and taking medication to manage your diabetes may also help reduce your risk of pancreatic cancer. Modifying your diet, losing weight if you’re obese, and not smoking can all help.

  • How can I get over being tired all the time because of pancreatic cancer?

    Fatigue can be caused both by the cancer itself and by treatments for the cancer. Managing your tiredness means taking multiple steps: Get physical exercise to boost your energy level, ensure you’re getting enough nutrients in your diet to fuel you, and have your healthcare provider test you for anemia, a treatable blood condition that causes fatigue. 

6 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Cancer.Net. Coping with Cancer. Fatigure

  2. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Pancreatic Cancer Support Groups

  3. American Cancer Society. Managing Your Health Insurance

  4. American Cancer Society. Understanding Financial and Legal Matters

  5. Li D. Diabetes and pancreatic cancer. Mol Carcinog. 2012;51(1):64-74. doi:10.1002%2Fmc.20771

  6. Di Marco M, Rubbi I, Baldi A, et al. Evaluation of fatigue in patients with pancreatic cancer receiving chemotherapy treatment: a cross-sectional observational study. Acta Biomedica Atenei Parmensis. 2018;89(4-S):18-27. doi:10.23750%2Fabm.v89i4-S.7063

Additional Reading
Adrienne Dellwo

By Adrienne Dellwo
Dellwo was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2006 and has over 25 years of experience in health research and writing.